

             作为一家具有超过30年历史, 在无尘室、防静电及微生物污染控制等领域上的用品及设备供货商,美商卫利集团公司的使命是要为中国、香港乃至世界各地的半导体生产商、工业产品生产商或医疗等高科技生产商,提供高技术含量及高质量的产品,令公司在相关行业上处于引导地位。


              As a total solutions provider in monitoring and solving threats from micro-contamination controls in the manufacturing industries in micro electronics; pharmaceutical and other industrial sectors for more than 30 years, our aim is becoming the guides in our field.  Winifred offers a friendly and inspiring working environment for over 200 well trained engineers; administrative staff and  also a group of extremely well experienced staff in providing high level of after-sales services.

              All our engineers are professionally qualified.  With a motivated and experienced team and a series of high quality products meeting the demanding requirements in the industries, Winifred has the opportunity to practice their craft at a high level and to form enriching relationships with their valued clients.


      • 使命

        成为一个为先进制造业提供, 微污染控制及全方位解决方案的服务商

      • 愿景


      • 核心价值观
